What if money could be easy?


Use my binge-able program and step-by-step framework to build your stable financial house without the overwhelm or wasted time.

Financial Independence Society 2.0 is a proven step-by-step process that shows you how to take control of YOUR money and tell it what to do!

It shows you exactly what to do every step of the way, including how to pay off debt and save for your todays and your tomorrows.

Since I began teaching women about their money and finances I've seen great successes as they put all of the pieces together, created an easy-to-follow budget, savings plans, and more!

Jane is one of the best instructors out there. I went from knowing nothing to putting a plan in place; and now my husband will retire 5 years earlier than expected. Thanks SO much Jane.

-Annette S.

The doors to FIS 2.0 will open again later in 2023.

Financial Independence Society is closed.

The good news is...

Even though enrollment for the Financial Independence Society 2.0 coaching program isn't open right now, if you sign up below, you'll find out next time it is.

I'll also add you to the list for my next FREE Financial Freedom Masterclass and Training. Financial Independence Society is my best training - and my FREE Financial Freedom Masterclass is my second best training. You'll discover the strategies I've been using for the past 20 years to pay off debt, save, invest and create the life of my choosing...and dreams!

But, I'll be in touch before then. I'll reach out with articles, blog posts, and videos that I think you'll find valuable.

Get on the waitlist for 2023 and receive a coupon for 20% OFF PLUS an extra special bonus, just for you! 

(hint...ever wanted to know how to invest in the Stock Market?)

PLUS - when you hop on the waitlist my 'Financial Mistakes *Most* Women Make' Masterclass will be headed your way!

Don't miss out!

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